Saturday, June 19, 2010


Thank you for utilizing our blog for your RSVP.

Please put the names of those attending in the 'comments' section at the end of this post.

If you have any problems with this you are welcome to RSVP via email to

or phone Laura's mobile phone number is 0420239995

Friday, June 18, 2010


Hi everyone!

For those of you that would like to give a gift we have decided to use an online wedding registry with

We felt that this would be the most convenient option as we have guest coming from overseas and interstate and keeping it to just one store may not have been practical.

Our registry login details are

username: CNBMIW
Password: 911484

Simply put in your browser or click on the link in this post. Once on the site you will see the section to enter in the username and password and these are listed above.

If you would like to purchase a gift from a store yourself please do so. If it is a gift that is already on the online list you can drop us an email we can take the gift off the list to avoid doubling up.

Lastly, the greatest gift of all is to have you attend our wedding. Please feel in no way obliged to give us a gift. We are just so honoured to have so many people making the effort to come and share in our special day.

Laura and Gustav